Nilonvets clinic hanesan klinika animal ida iha Dili (Timor Leste), lokaliza iha sentral sidade Dili ne’ebe hari iha fulan Abril 2021. Ami hatene importansia atu kuída animal nia saúde liu-liu ba animal estimado ho ida ne’e ami iha hodi servi ita animal nia saúde bazeia ba ami nia motto mak hanesan prioridade ba ita animal estimado nia saude “priority your pet wellness”
Pet Care
Atendimento Pet Care ba ita nia animais estimado nia saude henesan konsultasaun, hopitalizasaun, pasiente externo, operasaun maior, operasaun minor no mos vasinasaun.
Pet Salon
Atendimento Pet Salon maka hanesan fo haris animal saudavel (laiha problema konaba kulit ho fulun), fo haris medikasaun (animal ne’ebe kona fungus no iha kutun), hamos maran (atu tulun, matan, ain no liman kukun ba ita animal nafatin mos maske la fo haris.
Pet Hotel
Atendimentu Pet Hotel mak hanesan wainhira ita hakarak lao dok ba nasaun seluk maibe ema laiha atu tau matan ba ita nia animal, ami oferese pet hotel ba aniamais estimado ho faslilidade kuarto ho luhan nebe mos no iha AC.
Pet Shop
Atendimentu Pet Shop mak hanesan ami nia fatin disponivel ba nesesidade animais estimado nian hanesan hahan maran, hahan kaleng no nesesidade sira seluk seluk.
Domestic Animal Consultan
Atendimeto Domestic Animal Consultan mak hanesan konsultor ba animal domestiku sira ka animal produsaun iha teritoriu timor laran tomak, ami mos bele sai konsultor ba halo Inseminasaun Artifisial (Inseminasi buatan) ba animal domestiku sira hanesan Fahi, Bibi, karau no manu .
Ami nia pasiente sira ne’ebe durante nee ami halo tratamento iha ami nia klinika

Drh. Nicodemos Borges Lonai, S.KH

Dewi Larasati, S.KH

Januario Maujario Saul Fernandes

Mefilia Martins Soares
Keep up the good career at Nilonvets Clinic for all doctors and paramedics.LonaiManager Clinic,
Prioritize of pets health in Timor Leste to ensure public health.LonaiManager Clinic,
Thank you for trusting us to care for your pet's healthLonaiManager Clinic, Nilonvets Clinic. Unip. LDA